Engineering & Construction

The Construction and Engineering (C & E) industry is undergoing a gradual but significant digital transformation, embracing technology to improve efficiency, productivity, and sustainability. The industry is heading towards Industry 4.0 which encompasses the stuff of science fiction past such as prefabrication, automation, 3D printing, virtual reality, drones, sensors, robots for repetitive or hazardous processes, and data – lots and lots of data – used to help the industry know itself better and to shape the decisions it makes today and tomorrow.

Current Trends in E&C

Green Practices & Efficiency

Sustainability continues to be a major focus for the construction industry. C&E companies face a multidimensional challenge on this front as they adapt to evolving market trends and environmental regulations and meet customer demands for greener buildings, while also preventing construction costs from accelerating too rapidly.

Digital-Savvy through Strategic Investment

The C&E industry has gradually adopted digital technologies to help improve processes and efficiencies. The industry is heading towards One Integrated solution for Field Execution and Backend operations. With the rise of generative AI and other disruptive technologies, the sector is now seemingly poised to realize improvements in project design, schedule optimization, cost controls, site inspection, safety, compliance, and quality assurance.

Streamlined Labor & Material Management

Construction firms have been facing significant cost pressures driven in part by frequent fluctuations in labor costs and material prices in the last few years. The volatility in costs introduces complexity to project planning. Unforeseen cost increases can disrupt budgeting and scheduling, potentially leading to delays and increased project risks.

Workforce Management

The C&E industry continues to grapple with filling open workforce positions and is faced with a significant labor gap. The unavailability of skilled workers can directly influence a company’s capability to meet their commitments.

Connected Experience

C&E Industry investing heavily on Collaboration tools to bring Owner, General Contractors, Sub Contractor & Professional Services on one platform using advance technologies. It not only improves operational efficiency but also contributes to better project outcomes, reduced costs, and enhanced sustainability.

Categorization in C&E Eco System

Owner – In the construction industry, the owner refers to the person or organization that owns a built asset (Building, Bridge, Tunnel) once it’s built.

General Contractor – Owner hires General Contractors to ensure Construction job is completed with Quality, on time and according to the specifications agreed in the contractor. General Contractors are the main executors of the construction activities or sometime they even Sub contract specific work.

Sub-Contractors – Sub Contractors are hired by General Contractor to execute some specific or special type of work.

Engineering & Professional Services – These type of companies offers professional services around design and project management from inception to completion of a construction project.

Orbrick Solution in C&E Space:

Orbrick Provide end to end single integrated Solution to manage the C&E Business processes. The solution offering covers below business areas of C&E Industry.

  • Lead & Opportunity Management
  • Planning & Budgeting
Construction Management
  • Project Planning & Scheduling
  • Transmittal & Submittal
  • Budget & Cost Controls
  • Sub Contract Management
  • Material/Inventory Planning
  • Vehicle & Fleets Management
  • Owner Billing & Revenue Management
Post Construction
  • Property Portfolio
  • Preventive & Reactive Maintenance
Backend Process
  • Financial Management
  • Procurement Management
  • Employee/Workforce Management
  • Payroll Management
  • Data Analytics

Why should you engage Orbrick?

We have:

  • A Highly professional team having vast experience for Implementation & Managed Services in C&E ecoystem.
  • Practitioners and proponents of in best business practices
  • Expertise in Industry specific solutions & framework
  • KPI/Output Driven Implementation Methodology